Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Gaze

March 29 Journal Entry

I have decided that I completely missed yesterday. And the day before that. And maybe even the day before that. I didn't look out the window or stand on the porch or even look up from my keyboard. I remember I did make a couple dozen lattes. and pee. and brush my teeth. But other than the days all blended. But you know what? I think even when I am not writing I still miss days. I am too busy looking at "what was" and "what could have been" and lots and lots of "shoulds". The gaze has become bigger and louder and wears a disguise.

I did find a guy who knows how to do it. I mean he knows how to be in today.

With hot sauce, mashed potatoes, bed sheets and bell peppers he just lets things happen the way they are supposed to.

If I could spend a day with anyone I think it would be him....


Anonymous said...

holy cannoli look what i've been missing!
dig all the fabulous portraits
and the new banner is THE BEST!!!!!
also love the new side bar photos.

Tara Finlay said...

Randi, this is fantastic. I love your use of color, always.

Jo Reimer said...

All this and music, too! Now you know I'll have to add music to my blog, too. You put your day to good use when you updated your blog, Randi. I like it all.

Maija said...

Your work is brilliant, Randi!
I think the skull guy is very cool. What a very freeing way to approach creating!

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to believe that the secret to happiness is to live in the moment. I think we all could take some time to stop and really smell the roses.

Great portraits and I'm with Mary Ann on the banner...