So we think that Sodom was this way bad place that was destroyed because of all their sin right? I heard someone say that we are so much worse now in our society than Sodom ever was.And then I found this verse today. Ez. 16:49 "Sodom was arrogant, overfed and unconcerned they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things." I keep thinking about that word unconcerned and how easy it is not to do something. Not read my bible. Not make that phone call. Not go to church. Not pray.
It's kind of like we are these little gods running around living our lives based on what we want and when we want it. Sacrifice isn't in our vocabulary and neither is the word inconvenience.
So as the day's go by we continue to put God in our God box and leave him there until we have a really big problem. The blood continues to drip and we don't even see the trail it has left behind us.
Happy Easter to you guys. Your art is, as usual, amazing. I think of you every time I take a photo or pick up a paint brush.
I could not agree more with your words today.
I am chief of the unconcerned.
God help me...
Amen sister! In this piece, I love how you've captured that weird, hunched, super model pose they're using these days. It seems so unatural. It seems the epitomy of our society...posing, but in an unatural way. Such an apt scripture you found!
I haven't visited your blog in some time and something pulled me there I know why! Such a powerful post! Thank you for the reminder!
Love your post. Sad but true.
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